Two trips: one in California in March 2001 and one in New York in October of the same year, immediately after the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers. Pictorial tribute to the great American photographers (Walker Evans and company) who with their work inspired a whole generation of photographers worldwide, and the very idea of the "American dream" that continues to fuel the planet with the dream of freedom, choice, self-determination, success. Two trips in a country that at the dawn of the millennium was at the peak of production of ideas and innovation. California, March 2001: The dotcom bubble has just burst, the attack on New York approaches, the suspicion of a bleak future transformes day by day into fear. Doctor Hannibal winks from the billboards of block busters on unsuspected Americans, just before September 11. New York, October 2001, the cameras are turning to Muslim communities of Brooklyn, The Phantom of the burka is here. Welcome to the future.
USA the country we love to hate.
photos: Gerasimos Domenikos